With the disappearance of the Tupinambá indians, the indigenous community in Ubatuba is today represented by tribes who migrated to the region – from Tupi-Guarani and Guarani origins.In all, there are two villages which face serious threats to ensure their survival and traditional way of life.

Aldeia Boa Vista Ubatuba

Aldeia Boa Vista UbatubaThe Boa Vista village was formed around 1960 by 3 families which came from Rio Silveira Village.Located in Sertão do Promirim in an area of Atlantic forest, the village is comprised of indigenous Guarani people, with 43 families and a total of 182 residents according to their chief Altino.

Boa Vista village is prepared to receive tourists with prior reservations.The indigenous community produces and displays their handicrafts for sale in the village.

Source: Art and Culture Foundation of Ubatuba
More info: http://www.cpisp.org.br/etnodesenvolvimento/html/aldeia.html